Sunday, December 27, 2009

Week One Down, One More Week to Go

Today marks week two of my 'winter' vacation. That is what it is called now, a winter vacation, not a Christmas break. Just another way to keep religion out of education - I want to know exactly what people are so afraid of that they get offended by the belief of others. I do not teach my religion in my classroom but I do think I should be able to say that I am Mormon if a child asks or say I celebrate Christmas. Instead of prayer we now have this 'moment of silence' during which it is nearly impossible to keep the children silent. They don't know or care that others may want a silent moment to pray. I try to teach them this every year and, for the most part, they are understanding but there are always two or three kids that ruin it for everyone. Oh well, I have enjoyed spending time at home with my children and husband. It is fun to play at being a stay at home mom for a few weeks each year. My house is actually clean, my mood is calm and my children are getting 100% of my love and attention. I just wish that I could do this all the time. I suppose being a teacher is the next best thing. I just feel like I give so much to other people's children that I don't have much left for my own. Then, when people judge me as a teacher and tell me I don't know their child and I don't care it is so hurtful.I sacrifice happiness in my home, the happiness of my own children for their child. Of course I care and of course I am giving everything I can to do a good job. I do love my breaks, it helps me rejuvenate and find my grounding as a mother again.

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