Sunday, August 22, 2010

Those Crazy Kids

Do you have kids? Do you work with kids? Do your friends have kids? Do you sometimes behave like a kid? If you can say yes to any of those questions you really have to read on. I am going to reveal something that may surprise some of you. Now, some of you may have surmised this at some point on your own, but perhaps I will enlighten a few. If, in fact, a few people even know this blog exists, which I doubt. Here it is: If your kids are acting crazier, moodier and louder than normal look at the moon. It will probably be full and if it is not full that night, it was the night before or will be the next night. Seriously. Now, I am not a Wiccan and I do not worship mother earth; however, everything in nature revolves around cycles and, dear reader, we are a part of nature. If the moon is not the culprit pay attention to weather forecasts. Whenever the weather changes, the kids go wild. Usually it is from hot to cold where we, as teachers, observe the most extreme behavior. And it really does get extreme. Those of you not in the school system would be shocked at the havoc a cold snap can wreak on a middle school. Which really makes me think of what happens in the spring, but  I won't even go into the whole twitterpated thing now. I'll save that for a spring post. Suffice it to say - blame it on the moon. That crazy moon.

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